Hello to Our Dear Friends,
Kampala, Uganda 2019
Dear Friends,
A warm hello from Reaching Beyond Words Uganda NGO. We would love to share with you what transpired in the Month of September 2019.

We had an interesting thing happen in September as we were working with our bank in Uganda to do some changes. Everything worked out fine, but part of the process was an audit of the Reaching Beyond Words accounts in Uganda. There was no problem with the audit and in fact those that did the audit were quite impressed with the RBW NGO in Uganda.
Part of the audit was to visit and see where the beneficiaries of the program live. The representative of the auditors spoke to the children and relatives. It was a great opportunity for the auditors to see firsthand how the children’s lives are being changed for good. The difficult part was that while the audit was going on the bank froze the money in the bank until the audit was complete. This meant school fees could not be paid on time which Reaching Beyond Words always takes care to pay on a timely basis. The private schools as well as the public schools are very happy with the RBW NGO program because they do pay so timely. Brother Godfrey and Sister Concy went to the schools and explained the situation and fortunately because of the good standing with them they allowed the children to attend school and receive meals. Normally if you do not pay you cannot receive lunches.
After two weeks the audit was completed, and Brother Godfrey took the part of the financial report to the Uganda Registration Service Bureau (URSB) and also handed it over to the bank. Thank the Lord things are back to some normalcy and all school fees are paid. Life is an adventure and is never dull here at the Uganda NGO.:)
Our social worker Sister Concy and Brother Godfrey have encouraged the children to read very hard since this is a promotional term and for some schools, they will lay off the children who do not make it to their standard, (pass their tests). The children’s grades are improving, its wonderful to see such improvement.

Brother Godfrey and Sister Concy as mentors for the children visit the schools and homes of the children to monitor each child’s progress. It’s a full-time job to help the children in the program not only with school but daily life with its ups and downs. Some of the children have been rescued from some very serious situations in their homes.
We Thank You for your prayers and support, God Bless You,
The RBW Uganda Staff