I want to share with you one of the difficulties that the Covid 19 has created for us here in Uganda. We have 14 children that are currently in the program and when the Covid 19 panic began and with the closure of the schools it created a challenge for us both with us here in Uganda and also those who are affiliated with the work here in Africa through Reaching Beyond Words-USA. As stated above the work here in Uganda has 14 children that are being sponsored; of that 14 children, seven of them have home environments that are not suitable or safe for their health and well-being. Because of this, it was determined that those seven children before Covid-19 would be transferred to boarding schools. During this time of Covid 19 lock-down the boarding schools were closed. It was determined by RBW-UGN and RBW-USA that we would move those seven children to the RBW-UGN Mission House compound. So, we went from two adults (Brother Godfrey and his wife sister Concy staying at the mission house to nine, with the seven children). We have a houseful now, but what a blessing to be together.

The boys are set up in the garage and the girls were designated to the room that is behind the house for their living quarters. But there was an issue. We did not have the beds available to handle the new additions to the house family. The boys were in-housed in the garage on the floor with the few mattress that we had and the remainder of them on the bedding that was available for this purpose. It was determined through prayer and counsel with the Brethren in RBW-USA that we needed to look into the possibility of purchasing beds and mattresses. I have to say that The Father is so very faithful to handle the needs of His children. I really want to thank God for the provision that he made for the children’s beds. The children use to share beds and they are still growing so they do roll a lot on the bed at night and it is more often than not, that they find themselves on the floor. Every morning the children were saying how they had spent the night on the cold floor. We (Brother Godfrey and Sister Concy) continued to encourage them to bear for a little while and trust God for his intervention and in His timing all their prayers came to past. Now each child is sleeping in his or her own bed and they are very happy and very thankful for the hand which has provided the money to buy for them beds. The day the beds arrived home, the children were smiling seriously and if you could see the joy on their faces while laying on their beds you would be blessed.

We want to thank those of you who contributed to this need and we ask the Lord to bless each and every one of you,
Brother Godfrey
Reaching Beyond Words Uganda