February 19, 2014 The months of January and February have been busy in polishing our program’s procedures and establishing relationships with the families of the children we sponsor. The families were blessed by receiving supplementary food, body soap, and house cleaning materials to assist in helping these needy children eat and be clean. We areRead More
First Major Decision Made (Ethiopia)
October 28, 2013 A meeting has been held in the Czech Republic among the people from all over the world who are involved in providing widows and orphans in Ethiopia a new future through hope, care and education – those whose feet run on the Ethiopian soil as well as those who work in the background making sureRead More
We Have Been Approved! (Ethiopia)
October 7, 2013 We have good news to share with you all. Our Ethiopian NGO has been officially approved with all the proper government stamps and so now we can start providing widows and orphans in Ethiopia a new future through hope, care and education! Rejoice with us and especially with those who will benefit from thisRead More