Hello to All,
Greetings to you all! It is our 11th month of July 2010 E.C, but for you it is July 28, 2018. We would like to share with you the July 2018 report for our Ethiopia Reaching Beyond Words NGO.
As we say things are running properly here at the NGO which is a great blessing. We continue to have meetings with our children and their families once in a month. In this past month we had two occasions of gathering – one for a special feeding program and giving awards to the outstanding top students here. The gathering of food and awards was prepared by Sister Thesay Roshell and Brother Elias Bancale. It was very nice and they also gave recognition gifts and a thank you letter for the board of Reaching Beyond Words NGO.
Our second meeting was done by Reaching Beyond Words and this was on the 28th of July. During this day Brother Burt was here and he shared with the children the reality of living a virtuous life, being diligent to listen well in school and do their very best in all they do. From this teaching after the conclusion, one of our supported young sons, Abraham Shewangazaw, was sharing clearly how his life has been changed for the better since being with the RBW NGO. We are so grateful for this child and the work of Reaching Beyond Words NGO.
We have purchased school bags, sanitation materials, and teff flour for nutritional food support, and distributed these to all the children and family members.
Our special needs children are showing progress and all are well and promoted to their next grade.
Let me mention here about Besufekad Abey, one of our special needs children that the program supports. He was in kindergarten and now he has graduated and passed to grade one. We have seen changes in this child; even though he can’t walk and he has physical problems, he is very sharp in his mind and is good and joyful.
Also two special needs children, Elias Deresse and Sebelework Wasyhune are very well.
Here is attached Besufekad Aby Graduation picture from KG and Elias Derese.
- Besufekad Abey
- Elias Deresse
May God Bless You All,
Brother Jemal and the Ethiopian Reaching Beyond Words NGO Staff