Hello and greetings again to those of you who pray for our work in Ethiopia, support it and follow our news.
Let me start the report by explaining how God is so great and faithful in all His ways. We have a lot to say about God’s guidance, help and all his provisions for the work of the Ethiopian RBW and God’s Kingdom.
In 2013, the Ethiopian RBW received the official license from the Ethiopian Federal Democratic Republic Charity and Societies Agency office. In the same year Bro. Fikre and I (Bro. Jemal) were able to obtain a visa to visit the Czech October conference in Moravia. That visit has contributed great things for the existence of the RBW in Ethiopia. While there at the conference, we were able to sit down with Bro. Burt, Sis. Nancy, Sis. Pavlina and other brethren to discuss starting the program in Ethiopia with six needy children and six widows. That beginning has passed through a lot of challenges and circumstances, but because of God’s plans and mighty power, we are here today. Now, the ETH RBW NGO is supporting 75 orphans/needy children and ten widows.
We are now in the month of September, the end of our 3rd quarter program for this year, and we have so many wonderful things to share with you on what we have accomplished this month.
All our children have started their school year in the New Year of 2008 E.C. (according to our Ethiopian calendar). We have purchased uniforms and school materials, for example, books, pens, pencils, etc. for all of them.
We had meetings two times this month and it was very nice, especially the meetings held with our visitors, the Jantzis and the Cassells, on September 24th and 26th (2015 for those outside of Ethiopia). We were excited to watch God’s guidance during our time with the Jantzis and Cassells. On September 26th Bro. Jantzi brought a full day training for the widows and mothers on family planning and how to take care of and raise their children properly. He spoke about proper hygiene (as he is a nurse) and taught everyone some very good social skills for every day living. It was a profitable day of teaching for all. Bro. Cassell brought his guitar so the mothers and children had a good time learning some new songs as well. Sis. Rita and Sis. Joanne had fun singing with the children too. The Jantzis and Cassels also visited the NGO office and spoke to the staff as well as purchased some of the crafts the widows had made. It was a big encouragement for the widows to sell some of their crafts.
As always our days are quite full with the responsibilities of taking care of running the NGO properly and seeing the needs of the children and mothers/widows taken care of.
Well, I can’t finish without saying that because of God’s mighty help, provision and guidance and because of your lovely contributions and support, we continue to grow! Then let all glory be to our Almighty God. Amen!!!
God bless you all!!
Bro. Jemal and ETH RBW Staff