Brother Godfrey and Sister Concy the mission house directors in Uganda have an announcement to make. Sister Concy will tell their story.
” I had a surprise as I did not know I was pregnant and when I tested positive I was not happy at first as I just had a baby girl a year ago. I remember calling grandma Nancy and telling her and she said oh it’s a blessing, God knows it all. I knew God was going to help me. Godfrey had a dream that I was carrying a baby boy but I shook it off and when we did a scan to know the sex of the baby the scan was showing a baby girl, so that’s what I thought. The last scan we did the last week before I gave birth was showing a boy, I was so confused I remember asking Godfrey is the baby two in one and he told me don’t start thinking too much just trust God and that week was a bad one for me, I was in pain due to the fall I had in the bathroom that even sitting was a problem, I remember asking Godfrey how will I differentiate between labor pain and the pain from the fall and he just looked at me and didn’t say a word. The fall I had was so bad that I couldn’t even get up after the fall in the bathroom I had to take some time sitting in that position and that day Godfrey was very busy and had a lot of work and he was not home so I didn’t tell him because I knew if I did tell him that I fell down he would stop all he was doing to come home and I also didn’t call my doctor because I knew we had an appointment with him the next day so I just kept monitoring myself for any change or bleeding but thank God there was no bleeding but only pain so the next day when we met the doctor and we told him about the fall he was so afraid and asked me why I didn’t call him immediately and I told him I was monitoring myself and didn’t see anything bad apart from that serious pain so that’s when he asked for a scan and we did and all was well and the baby too so still he suggested that we should do induction, or induce to get the baby out, since we were past the due date by week and two days, he gave us an appointment date for May 24th,2024 and he said we should not miss that date if I don’t go into labor before that date so Godfrey asked me that we should be in agreement and believe that I won’t go for induction but I will have this baby with normal labor I told him okay I agree. So came the 24th of May with no labor pain we left home at 6:30am in the morning for a 7:00am appointment, still believing that I will have normal labor pain ,when we reached the hospital we were late we found the doctor had gone to do an operation in the theater (operating room), so we had to wait for him and he came back at 8:30am. When we got in and I sat on the chair it’s like someone said now labor start, I started getting serious labor pains and constant until I gave birth at 11:04 am. We really want to thank all the brethren who stood with us emotionally, spiritually, physically and financially we are so grateful. Our sweet Jesse, a healthy baby boy was born. “

The NGO permit testimony! THIS IS A PRAISE THE LORD!! Every 5 years the Reaching Beyond Words NGO permit needs to be renewed.
We really want to thank God for his intervention that the NGO permit is out finally it was not easy and also we are so grateful for the individuals who gave us a helping hand during this long process. May God Bless you all.

The children are all doing great, busy now with school which runs from May to August 23 that’s when they will have a three week holiday and report back in September for last term of the year.