Hello Dear Brethren,
We send greetings from Reaching Beyond Words in Uganda and Ethiopia. It’s 21.11 degrees Celsius(70 degrees) in Kampala Uganda where the mission house is. Here in Uganda, we think that is a bit chilly, while in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia it is 14.44 degrees Celsius( 58 degrees). For us in Ethiopia that’s cold!!
Wanted to share with you some of the updates on the ongoing work in Africa.
At RBW in Ethiopia, we have been busy distributing food to the families as well as clothes for all the 50 children. We are extremely blessed with the Saturday classes we hold for the children in teaching God’s word. We are going through the book Mystery Beyond the Veil and all the children bring their new Bibles and workbooks. The response has been good with questions and good interaction. Praise God!!

Please pray for the children in Uganda as it is exam time. The children have been studying faithfully and doing well. We are thanking the Lord they can excel on their exams and not be intimidated by the pressure of the exams.

In the mission house in Uganda the children have a regular Bible study each week as well as a special time on Friday night of singing and praying together. Another Praise the Lord as we see the young people grow in God!!
Recently we had an added expense as the motorcycle, (Boda Boda), needed some repairs and tune up. The bill for the Boda Boda (motorcycle) was in Ugandan schillings ($631,000.00), which in US dollars is about $171.00. We are so grateful for those that hear the Lord and give to this work, always so timely.
Will not make this letter long, just a short note to let you know we appreciate all your prayers and thoughtfulness towards the work, it means a great deal to us.
God Bless You All,
Reaching Beyond Words Africa