Hello to All Our Dear Friends,
Greetings from sunny Ethiopia! October through May are sunny months for us, as the rainy season starts in June. Even though it is sunny now, nights are cool, even cold from November to February, when lows drop below 10 °C (50 °F), while days are pleasantly warm, around 23/25 °C (73/77 °F).

We would like to share what has been happening here at the Reaching Beyond Words NGO in Ethiopia the last past two months.

Our work continues on a daily and monthly basis even with Covid-19. We are careful to practice good hygiene and wearing of masks when distributing supplies for the families in the program. We know each family has needs so we have faithfully been giving them each food and supplies during these difficult times.
In September Brother Jemal did some networking with 17 local NGO’s and World Vision of Ethiopia gave a marvelous donation of sanitary materials of one liter for every family, 5 liters of liquid soap for each family and 7 bars of Life Boy soap for each. May God Bless them as that is about 33,300 Ethiopian Bir or $925 of products.

Sister Shewaye Yalee has purchased two sheep for WudeTsega one of the widows that raises animals for her business. Bless sister Shewaye as she has helped us with 10 widows now. The widows and single mothers in our educational program have been learning skills to be able to work. Those that have graduated from the class are doing very well. It is wonderful to see them growing in confidence and being able to find meaningful livelihoods. We teach them skills and give them seed money so they can open a business of their choice. When one group graduates, we then start teaching other widows and single mothers. We have been doing this for awhile now and are so happy to see the fruit of this labor.
All The supported children and their families are well. The children have gone back to school. We are teaching the children to handle and use sanitizer and other useful materials to protect them from Covid-19 in their schools. One important word of advice we give them is to follow the school’s regulations. We thank God all the children are well that are in the program, truly God’s hand of mercy and protection.
The Filipino Brothers that help us sometimes in Ethiopia came to the NGO compound and installed a hand washing system for better hygiene. It works great. Thank You! Or ameseginalehu as we say in Amharic.

We also want to congratulate Brother Jemal as he has completed a course in Office Management and Organizational Management.
We know your sacrificial support of prayer and finances has been a great blessing to the work here. Thank You and God Bless You All!!
The Ethiopia Reaching Beyond Words Staff and Brother Jemal