Godfrey and Concy’s Wedding, December 14, 2019

We would like to share a marvelous testimony of the recent marriage of Godfrey and Concy, social workers in the Uganda Reaching Beyond Words NGO. Their story is one of victory. Both Brother Godfrey and Sister Concy know Jesus as their savior and have a heartfelt dedication for helping the children in Uganda.
Their story begins about four years ago when Brother Godfrey joined the fellowship of believers that were meeting at Sister Biri’s house. Brother Godfrey happened to be the only man attending on a regular basis at the time. At first Concy confesses “I did not like him too much “. I year later they began to work together in the Uganda Reaching Beyond Words NGO. Brother Godfrey as an accountant and Sister Concy as the social worker. They kept their relationship quite professional, but Brother Godfrey began to see Sister Concy as the woman God had chosen to be his wife, he kept it to himself and was praying. Sister Concy did not see Brother Godfrey as a potential husband at the time. One day Brother Godfrey confessed his love for her to Sister Concy. Sister Concy said she laughed at him and said do not repeat this to me again. Brother Godfrey had a challenge as he believed God spoke to him, but he also wanted to be sensitive to what Sister Concy told him.
Sister Concy spoke with a special Sister in the Lord that began to pray and counsel her to not let anyone determine her future and not have a closed heart but seek the will of God. With that Sister Concy began to pray and as she was working with Brother Godfrey, she saw his dedication and sincerity, before she knew it, she also saw Brother Godfrey as the man God had for her.
Brother Burt Asbill was there when Brother Godfrey at a little gathering there at the Uganda NGO, surprised Sister Concy and got on his knee and proposed to her. It was a very happy moment. From the beginning of their courtship they knew they needed to let God order their wedding, which was going to be a challenge as the families wanted the traditions of their tribes.
In Africa there are many traditions that involve tribal traditions and ceremonies that are contrary to God’s word. One is what is called the Bride Price “Depending on many factors, including the family’s tribe, financial situation and the bride’s age, common bride prices range from 2 million Ugandan shillings ($540) to 20 million shillings ($5,400). Ugandan courts have, for the most part, upheld the custom when challenged.
Another challenge was the place the marriage was to be held and again Brother Godfrey and Sister Concy knew they needed to be married in Kampala and not the village. Some faithful brethren began to fast and pray with Brother Godfrey and Sister Concy and as the different challenges came, they would go to prayer. It took many months for things to work out and for the families to agree to no bide price just a few gifts and that the wedding would be in Kampala. PRAISE GOD!!
As per the government of Uganda they had to register their marriage with the office of registry of marriages in Uganda in order to get their marriage registered according to the laws of the land. This was done December 13th, 2019 the morning before their church wedding, then a home marriage for their families that night and their church wedding on the 14th.

The church wedding was glorious and yes, they still had challenges right up to the” I Do’s” but praise God the happy couple prevailed.

As Sister Concy shared “. I loved my wedding gown it was made especially for me. All went well, people ate at the reception and commented how they loved the simplicity of the wedding. We thank all the brethren who stood with us spiritually, physically and emotionally and financially. God really did wonders both at the home marriage (in Kampala, not the village) and the church wedding.”
Brother Godfrey and Sister Concy continue to work with the Reaching Beyond Words NGO. The children love to come stay with them and in fact a special camp meeting was held where Brother Tomas(from the Czech Republic) and Brother Burt held a teaching seminar for 24 young people. A wonderful time was had by all and the children were strengthened in the Lord.