During the month of July the Department of Education District Supervisor visited Kingdom Message Ministry School in order to monitor its activities. He checked our documents, the Principal’s reports as well as the classrooms. By the grace of God we have received a very positive feedback. He advised us to set up an Audio-Visual room for slower learners, especially those who are behind in reading comprehension. We were able to present to him our computer room that serves every Friday as an Audio-Visual room. Teacher Janice works here with the pupils who are slow in reading. They can easily read words with corresponding pictures presented on the computer. The District Supervisor thought this to be a very nice idea.
We are also pleased to announce that our new back yard has been very much enjoyed as a playground by our children especially during their lunch break. Every day there are three parents-volunteers that oversee the activities in this part of the school’s premises in order to prevent any harm to the children or damage to the property.
Finally, we are very excited to show you our new world map that we have longed for for quite a while. The children are now eager to learn what lies beyond the borders of the Philippines. Thank you for making this possible.