Hello To All, It’s a great pleasure for us to share with you again our Reaching Beyond Words Ethiopian NGO’s monthly report for February. This month we have had a very wonderful time in many ways. We continue to have meetings with the orphans, beneficiaries, and their families, teaching fundamentals on how to live aRead More
Our News
Fundraising Efforts in 2014-2015
Thanks to Columbia Street Roastery in Champaign, Illinois that provides us with the best-ever coffees for our fundraising efforts, we have been given an opportunity to provide a new future to widows, orphans & needy children in Ethiopia. Our dedicated sales team has labored tirelessly in getting these coffees to people’s homes. To summarize this fundraising effortRead More
Widows’ Success Stories (Ethiopia)
Hagere Temesgen is 35 years old and a mother of six year old Yonas, a boy in the NGO program. Hagere is married but her husband has a small paying job so living conditions have been rough at times. Hagere and her husband with their son live in a one room mud walled room. TheRead More
January 2016 in Ethiopia
Greetings to all, We thank God again and again because He helped all of us and the work in many ways, amen. Our Ethiopian Reaching Beyond Words NGO work is going well and we have accomplished the following things the month of January. This month we had visitors from the U.S.A. and the Czech Republic.Read More
December 2015 in Ethiopia
Hello to All, We are coming again with great praise and thanksgiving. As we all know December is the final month of the year and we were very busy with so many accomplishments for 2015. We finished ONE YEAR of supporting our 75 children and the 10 mothers who were in the widow’s program! During thisRead More
November 2015 in Ethiopia
Hello to all, Greetings again from Ethiopian Reaching Beyond Words NGO. We always come to you with praising God and with news from our work. We have accomplished so many things in November 2015 and would like to share them with you. We had meetings with our beneficiaries as usual and provided counselling to the families. WeRead More
October 2015 in Ethiopia
Hello to all of you, It is our pleasure and joy to share with you about God’s great help in the work of the Ethiopian Reaching Beyond Words in the month of October. We thank God for all His provision and guidance in leading us daily on the right path. We have accomplished the followingRead More
Teacher’s Day (Philippines)
Time has passed by quickly and we are about to end the first semester of this school year. We have completed the 2nd grading examination and the children have currently been enjoying their first semester break. The teachers will be completing the grades before the children resume classes on November 3, 2015. Before the breakRead More
Widows’ Graduation
October 8, 2015 marked our widows’ graduation day. The event was held at the Selam Children Village meeting hall and we had a very good time together. The widows received special certificates prepared by RBW and handed out by the government officers together with the president of the RBW Board, Brother Fikre. We thank God for all HisRead More
September in Ethiopia
Hello and greetings again to those of you who pray for our work in Ethiopia, support it and follow our news. Let me start the report by explaining how God is so great and faithful in all His ways. We have a lot to say about God’s guidance, help and all his provisions for the work of theRead More